Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Spring and Jimmer

Did you know the first day of spring was on Sunday? You wouldn't know if you were living in Provo like me. Yesterday, it snow/rain/slushed and then was sunny and then was cold again. Today, it was a beautiful, sunny 50ยบ. Forecast for tomorrow? Rain/Snow. WHAT?! It's like the weather is bipolar. I WANT SPRING!

School is crazy. Only 3 weeks left in the semester and SO much left to do.

Oh. I don't know if you heard, but Jimmer and the Cougars are in the SWEET SIXTEEN! SO proud to be a cougar! The game's tomorrow at 5:27 pm MST. WATCH it. Speaking of Jimmer, my friend wrote a pretty awesome blog post about him and a famous woman. Read it, it'll make you smile: I personally think Jimmer should marry me, but that's just my opinion. ;)

And now, to practice choir conducting. I can't express how thrilled I am.

In the words of Relient K:
And tomorrow, I know,
Will be rainy at best.
And the forecast, I know,
Is that I'll be depressed.

But I'll wait outside
Hoping that I'll catch sight of the sun.

Because on and off,
The clouds have fought
Their control over the sky

And lately the weather
Has been so Bi-polar
And Consequently so have I

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