Sunday, November 28, 2010


After SEVEN hours in the car to get to Provo this evening, I am very grateful. (For those who don't know, the drive usually takes 3.5 hours) I am grateful because of these reasons:
  1. Even though I had to swerve to avoid the truck and trailer, I managed to stay on the road.
  2. Even though he didn't stay on the road, everyone was okay. The trailer just flipped.
  3. I can now say I can drive in the snow.
  4. I had good company in the car.
  5. We met some nice people in Fillmore where we stopped for a bathroom break, with about 60 other cars.
  6. I got to spend the weekend with my immediate family as well as extended family.
  7. Ping pong tournament, frisbee, around-the-world ping pong, powergrid, harry potter, playing with kids, and food, food, food.
  8. My roommates just made it back so we're all alive.
I'm glad to be safe and sound and am now going to bed.

Oh! Congrats to Kelsi and Emil and congrats to Tara and Trav!! :D

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